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Dieffenbachia: Information and Plant Care Guide

Dieffenbachias feature pointed, ovate leaves in several combinations of green, white and cream colors. They are usually lush, large and showy, a perfect indoor living decor. 

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Below is a general care guide for Dieffenbachias which can slightly differ depending on variety.

Light & Temperature

Dieffenbachias or Dumb Canes are popular indoor plants because they do well in shady conditions. They prefer dappled shade or indirect light. The plant will grow more on the side of the light source so regularly rotating the plant will keep its growth even and balanced. 

This plant loves fairly warm conditions and will lose its lower leaves when exposed to cold drafts. 

Watering, Humidity & Misting

Dieffenbachias love regular moisture and do not like to completely dry out. About once a week of watering for small to medium dieffenbachias will keep its soil damp. Make sure the top 1-2 inches of the soil is fully dried out before watering again.

Soil and Repotting

Use a fast-draining, well-aerated potting mix. Make sure drainage is good to avoid root rot. 

Repot the Dieffenbachia annually for healthy results. Wear gloves when repotting to avoid contact with its sap. 


Propagating a Dieffenbachia can be done by dividing offsets and planting them in their own pots. You can also cut off to the top and pot it or cut pieces of the cane and lay them horizontally on a potting mix and wait for the pieces to root. 


Use a balanced fertiliser formulated for houseplants. Follow the directions on the label of our Down to Earth. organic plant food.


Dieffenbachias are toxic if ingested and should be kept out of the reach of children and pets. The raphides found in dieffenbachia leaves can cause  burning and swelling of the skin, tongue, mouth and throat. 

Possible Issues

Under the right care and conditions, your plant will grow happy and healthy. But here are some issues you may encounter while caring for a Dieffenbachia: 

Spider mites - When spotted, treat with insecticidal soap spray or neem oil. 

Brown tips - This can be caused by uneven watering. Make sure that your Dieffenbachia gets watered regularly. 

Slimy residue - This is due to overwatering and will require you to adjust your watering schedule.

Crinkly and/or dropping leaves - This is a sign that your Dieffenbachia is dry and needs watering. 

Dropping leaves but soil is moist - The issue may be insufficient light or cold temperature or both. Try to relocate your plant to a brighter and warmer area.