Fern Plant Care Singapore

Ferns: Information and Plant Care Guide

Being an easy-care and evergreen plant, Ferns have become popular indoor houseplants that also bring a tropical vibe to the space. With its superb air-purifying ability, it makes ferns perfect for homes or offices.

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Below is a general care guide for Fern plants which can slightly differ depending on variety.

Light & Temperature

In the natural environment, ferns thrive in moist shady places. Hence, they enjoy moderate indirect light. Be sure not to expose it to direct sunlight as it will scorched its fronds.

These plants love warmer conditions. The warmer the environment, the better it is for Ferns. As such, it is important to protect them from cold drafts.

Watering, Humidity & Misting

Water your Fern about twice a week with room temperature water. Thoroughly water the plant until it drains from the bottom of the pot and discard the excess water from its tray. Always keep the soil evenly and consistently moist, and never let the soil dry out for your fern.

Ferns love humidity, so misting once (or even twice) a day will be best. If that is too much work, consider setting up a humidifier or a pebble tray with water to help with that.

Soil and Repotting

Use a well-draining potting mix or a mix with high composition of peat moss.

When your Fern is filling out its pot and no longer growing comfortably, it is a good time to repot. Otherwise, scraping off the top layer of soil and filling it will fresh soil is sufficient.


Ferns can be easily propagated by division. When repotting, simply split the the ferns and pot them separately in fresh soil.

Another way to propagate ferns is by growing from for the spores it produce. The spores are produced in little rusty brown capsules that grow on the underside of the fronds. 


Use a balanced fertiliser formulated for houseplants. Follow directions on the label of plant food.


General fern plants are mildly toxic if ingested due to the spores it produce, and should be kept out of the reach of children and pets. However, there are certain species like Bracken Fern which is very toxic.

Possible Issues

Under the right care and conditions, your plant will grow happy and healthy. But here are some issues you may encounter while caring for a Fern: 

Crispy dead growth - This is a sign of under watering and/or exposure to direct sunlight. Cut away affected area and move your fern to a suitable place.

Yellowing central leaves - Caused by excess water on the foliage and/or insufficient light. Try watering your fern from the side instead of the middle and placing it in a brighter spot. 

Browning leaf tips and edges - This is caused by insufficient humidity. Mist your fern more often or use a pebble tray to help boost humidity.

Wilting and yellowing leaves - This may be a sign of root rot. Inspect the root ball of your fern and repot it into fresh soil after removing the affected roots. Make sure to place your fern in a spot that receives enough light.