Growing a potted Olive Tree indoors is popular with the Mediterranean vibes it brings to a space. These majestic shrubs can prosper as houseplants given the right care and environment for them. These evergreen trees are low-maintenance and long-lived.

Olive Tree: Information and Plant Care Guide
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Below is a general care guide for Olive trees which can slightly differ depending on variety.
Light & Temperature
Olive trees prefer full sun. They need as much sunlight as possible. To ensure even growth, rotate the plant on a weekly basis. Indoors, a sunny, south-facing window is ideal. These plants tolerate high temperatures and can withstand the outdoors.
Watering, Humidity & Misting
Water your olive tree when the plant feels pretty dry. Make sure to water it thoroughly every watering session and allow the excess water to run out of the bottom of the pot.
Since they are native to the Mediterranean, olive trees are particularly suited to drier air so they don’t require misting.
Soil and Repotting
Olive trees will grow best in soil that drains easily, like a cactus potting mix. Repot your olive tree only when it outgrows its pot. This is usually once every couple of years.
Propagate your olive tree by taking stem tip cuttings. Dip cut end in hormone rooting powder before inserting in moist potting mix. Olive tree cuttings do not root easily compared to other plants. It will usually take a few months for the plant to have few well-established roots.
Use a balanced fertiliser formulated for houseplants. Follow the directions on the label of our Down to Earth. organic plant food.
Olive trees are non-toxic and is therefore safe around kids and/or pets.
Possible Issues
Under the right care and conditions, your plant will grow happy and healthy. But here are some issues you may encounter while caring for an Olive Tree:
Brown spots, holes, nibbled edges, insects and mold - When spotted, remove infected leaves immediately and apply neem oil.
Yellowing leaves - This is due to nutrient deficiency. Add organic matter to soil or fast uptake speed balanced fertiliser.
Shedding leaves - Usually caused by lack of sunlight. Move your Olive Tree to a windowsill or somewhere with direct sunlight.
Brown leaf edges - This is caused by underwatering. Increase frequency of watering and allow soil to soak thoroughly through soil.
Droopy but not dry leaves - The plant might be overwatered. Water deeply but less frequently and ensure proper drainage.