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Pothos: Information and Plant Care Guide

Undoubtedly one of the easiest houseplants to grow, Pothos is a great choice for adding some green to an indoor space without the stress of frequent care. It is low-maintenance, can be trained to grow as you wish and can comfortably adapt even to low light. 

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Below is a general care guide for Pothos which can slightly differ depending on variety.

Light & Temperature

Pothos can grow in a wide range of lighting conditions but will grow best in moderate to bright, indirect light. It can also tolerate low light environments but will not grow as fast. 

Variegated Pothos including Golden Pothos, Pothos N’Joy and Marble Pothos require more light than regular ones to keep their variegation.

Watering, Humidity & Misting

Pothos like to have at least the top inch of their soil dry out between waterings. They will also let you know when they need a drink as their leaves will start to droop when left too dry. 

They like high humidity so you can increase the moisture in the air by regular misting. However, they will also grow just fine with regular room humidity.

Soil and Repotting

Pothos plants thrive in ordinary well-draining potting mix. When your pothos become root-bound or when you notice the leaves droop no matter how much you water it, it is time to repot your plant in a pot one or two size bigger using fresh soil.


Pothos can be easily propagated by taking stem cuttings and rooting them in water or potting mix. Once cuttings in water develop healthy amount of roots, move them into soil so they can begin getting nutrients. 


Use a balanced fertiliser formulated for houseplants. Follow the directions on the label of our Down to Earth. organic plant food.


Pothos are toxic if ingested and should be kept out of the reach of children and pets. 

Possible Issues

Under the right care and conditions, your plant will grow happy and healthy. But here are some issues you may encounter while caring for a Pothos: 

Mealybugs and scales - When spotted, wipe affected area with cotton dipped in rubbing alcohol or apply insecticidal soap.

Mix of yellow and brown on same leaf - This can be due to overwatering. Check the moisture in the soil and adjust your watering amount and schedule.

Yellow leaves and others turning crispy brown - This can be due to underwatering. Check the moisture in the soil and adjust your watering amount and schedule.

Grown too long - Simply cut it back. Pothos are very hardy and can handle a good trim. You can also choose to propagate your cuttings to produce more pothos.