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Posted on December 21 2020

It's that time of year when we like to look back on what's been going on in the world of plants and 2020 has provided a wheelbarrow load of developments! 

Before we get to that we need to let you know that we're open as usual over year end except that we'll be closed on 25th-26th December inclusive and 1st-2nd January inclusive. On those dates online orders won't be fulfilled so the last date for online orders to be delivered before Christmas is 23rd December (before 4pm).

We still have gifts, decor , vouchers and potted plants available that will add to the cheer!

So back to the main business, in no particular order, other than the order we like best, here is our top 10 of plant related trends of the year!


 Tulip-mania - please click HERE

Etch pot designs - please click HERE     
Capra Designs - please click HERE

Exciting news - please click HERE

Wishing a Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all of you. See you in 2021!

Team Tumbleweed 
Manifest AI