There are several different types of Cordyline plants, including Cordyline fruticosa, Cordyline australis, Cordyline banksii, and Cordyline terminalis, among others. Each species has its own unique characteristics, such as leaf color, size, and shape.
If you are looking to add a splash of colours and tropical vibe to your space, the Cordyline Kiwi is perfect for that. In all its colourful glory, its leaves have bright yellow and green striations with flamingo pink edges. Just looking at it instantly transports you to a beach party on a Hawaiian resort. The Cordyline Kiwi is a relatively easy plant to care for. It prefers moist, but not soggy, soil. Water about once a week, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out between waterings. Cordylines thrive in bright indirect light with a few hours of exposure to direct light. This will help maintain its brilliant foliage colours. Your Cordyline Kiwi will appreciate increased humidity. You can use a humidifier to boost humidity at home or mist it at least once a day. Placing it in a plant tray filled will pebbles and water will also do the trick.
If you are looking to add a tropical vibe to your space, the Cordyline is perfect for that. Cordyline ‘Chocolate Queen’ is a colorful Ti plant displaying broad chocolate leaves with center streaks of purple, red and bronze edged in creamy yellow. An upright shrub creating a lush tropical look. This plant forms an upright stalk of fabulously variegated green leaves striped heavily with cream and white. As the leaves mature, they become flushed with chocolate purple and deep red coloring, a true kaleidoscope of color!