Fittonia is a slow-growing plant, which means it won’t take over your home if left unchecked. It can also be used as ground cover in shaded areas and containers for brightening up dull corners of your house or garden. The delicate white, pink or red veins on the leaves add a beautiful contrast to any space and make Fittonia an eye-catching addition to your home. While they don't require much maintenance, they do need regular checkups such as misting with water and occasional pruning.
Fittonia is a delightful and exotic plant native to Peru and Colombia known for its beautiful leaves, also commonly called "nerve plants". Fittonias are popularly kept as houseplants in many homes and make a breathtaking Fittonia Garden with their striking foliage. Fitting into any interior space due to its lush green color, Fittonias are being sought out for their eye-catching effects. Fittonias love moist soil, medium light and regular misting making them very easy to care for. Great attention must be placed when planting Fittonias outdoors though - they won't survive temperatures below 45°F (7°C). Fittonias will definitely provide an extra sparkle to any garden!