Ficus plants are popularly grown as houseplants due to their hardy nature and ability to thrive in a variety of indoor environments. They come in several varieties such as the Weeping Fig, Rubber Plant, Chinese Banyan and Indian Laurel, among others. Ficus plants can live for many years with proper care and some species can even reach heights of up to 20 feet!
Ficus plants are an incredibly popular, low-maintenance houseplant, and for good reason. For starters, the Rubber Plant, or Ficus Elastica Robusta, is a great addition to almost any room or area of the house because it can effectively survive in dark corners without much light. Another popular Ficus plant is the Fiddle-leaf Fig which is native to western Africa and can bring a tropical feel to any indoor space. Lastly, the Rubber Tree (Ficus elastica) is another common houseplant that's easy to care for as it needs only moderate temperatures and little sunlight; additionally, it grows impressively large leaves making them perfect for indoors homes with little natural light. Overall, Ficus plants make great additions to any home where they can thrive in both indirect light and in well-shaded areas; their special ability to bring a touch of nature indoors makes them an ideal choice for low-maintenance houseplants.